Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weekly Words 6

Smooth.- It means that your hair is very mild or you can manage your hair very easy. I saw this word because I need a new shampoo for my hair.

Silky.- It means that your hair is flossy or elegant. I saw this too on a shampoo.

Oats.- It is maybe a differents kind of seeds, It uses in cookies for a healty breakfast. I buy some cookies that has oats and honey.

Mobility Impairments.- That words use for a person who can not move very good their extremities or have physical problems. I saw this word in seats on a bus.

ADC.- (The Americans with Disabilities Act) It means people with physical problems. I saw this word in a bus's poster, it said that Cap Metro was commited to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADC).

Velvet.- It's one kind of material for to create clothes. I saw this kind of material in JCPenny.

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