Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Weekly Words 5

Texas Weather.- It's an expression, and it means when here in Texas the weather change very quickly. My homestay said that last week because the weather was hot and in a few minutes change to cold and with winter.

Hook'em horns.- This means that I catch with horns, I listened and watched all the time in Austin.

Kairos.- It means the right or opportune moment for do something. I heard this word when I stayed in a mass.

Kab, adapt a street.- It means Keep Austin Beautiful. I saw this word on a lot of signs on Guadalupe St.

I bit off more than i could chew.- It means that I have a lot of responsability than I have take or This responsability is very big for me. I listened this expression on Frank Sinatra song.

Cuisine.- It means a kind style of cooking. Kyoto has this kind of food ( Japanese Cuisine).

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