Thursday, October 29, 2009

News for You - 29/Oct/09 - Calculating The Cost Of The War In Afghanistan

This is the new´s link:

Calculating The Cost Of The War In Afghanistan, This new is about much money U.S. pay per soldier for to send a Afganistan. They said than per soldier pay one millon dolars per year. I think about this I don´t want tell one reason about what U.S. is doing in afganistan is really than in this country exits a war. For me it´s a lot of money than U.S. pay for war, what is the true or a good reason for pay this money in this war? I think than U.S. can to use this money for other things: Education, create new things, help yhe people for other and alot of reason. I´m not agree with this thing than U.S. pay a lot of money for war, they need to use this money in other things

We need to think if this war is very necesary,

Monday, October 26, 2009


1.- Grab some food .- It´s go to a restaurant and pick up or eat some food.

2.- Chill out .- It´s calm down.

3.- Off the top of your heard.- Think domething quickly

4.- On the spot.- It´s short bein put on spotlight (not prepaired to do anything).

5.-It´s chilli out side.- It´s other way to say: it´s cold outside.

6.- Get on the ball.- It´s mean than you need to prepare for something.

7.-Wake up and smell the coffee.- It´s mean you need tobe alert or be present.

8.- on´t have a cow.- Don´t get upset or angry

Thursday, October 22, 2009

News for You - 22/Oct/09 - Murders in Juarez search a new record

Murder in Juarez, I think is a important point to reflect what I can do for resolve this problem, not only goverment because it doesn´t have all the solution. It can be fight and fight with those drugs cartels and others but never finish those fights, because we need recover our values our better this things since family, when you raise your childs we need to teach good values for them; not only to say if not you need to do actions to create a better world.

Of course it´s a big problem, I think you only make and do your things because they never fight with (I lived these in Michoacan) but you can think this is ignore the problem, I say no because I have values and I need show them in my house, my job, in wherever place than you stay. If we have a good values we can finish with this things


Murders in Juárez reach new record

JUÁREZ, Chihuahua — A violent war between the Sinaloa and Juárez drug cartels have pushed Juárez's murder rate — already one of the highest in the world — to new records in 2009, the Chihuahua state attorney general's office reported. The border city, across from El Paso, has had 1,986 homicides through mid-October this year, up from 1,171 for the same period in 2008, the report said. There have been 195 murders this month alone, officials said

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What I think about dirt Ch1

I think He did that because is a form than he can started a battle
He needed recognize the dirt of the battle field because fought there
This maybe was a way to show his soldiers than he was quiet and felt his soldiers
than he could give his life in the battle field
And if he died in the field he returned to the dirt

Monday, October 19, 2009

About Myself

Hello My name is J. Camilo Martinez F.
I was born in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother and my parents
They live in Saltillo, Coahuila
I am Civl engineer
I will want apply to a master but firt i need learn english and pass Toefl test
In Austin, I live with a family
I like practice and watch all sports
My favorite sport is soccer
I have been in Austin 6 days
