Monday, October 26, 2009


1.- Grab some food .- It´s go to a restaurant and pick up or eat some food.

2.- Chill out .- It´s calm down.

3.- Off the top of your heard.- Think domething quickly

4.- On the spot.- It´s short bein put on spotlight (not prepaired to do anything).

5.-It´s chilli out side.- It´s other way to say: it´s cold outside.

6.- Get on the ball.- It´s mean than you need to prepare for something.

7.-Wake up and smell the coffee.- It´s mean you need tobe alert or be present.

8.- on´t have a cow.- Don´t get upset or angry

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You did a good job in your weekly words.
    You got it what Ms.Sarah said about.
    Today I enjoyed your comment with English class.
    And tks for your Mexican dried meat.
    I enjoyedit.
