Thursday, October 29, 2009

News for You - 29/Oct/09 - Calculating The Cost Of The War In Afghanistan

This is the new´s link:

Calculating The Cost Of The War In Afghanistan, This new is about much money U.S. pay per soldier for to send a Afganistan. They said than per soldier pay one millon dolars per year. I think about this I don´t want tell one reason about what U.S. is doing in afganistan is really than in this country exits a war. For me it´s a lot of money than U.S. pay for war, what is the true or a good reason for pay this money in this war? I think than U.S. can to use this money for other things: Education, create new things, help yhe people for other and alot of reason. I´m not agree with this thing than U.S. pay a lot of money for war, they need to use this money in other things

We need to think if this war is very necesary,

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