Thursday, October 22, 2009

News for You - 22/Oct/09 - Murders in Juarez search a new record

Murder in Juarez, I think is a important point to reflect what I can do for resolve this problem, not only goverment because it doesn´t have all the solution. It can be fight and fight with those drugs cartels and others but never finish those fights, because we need recover our values our better this things since family, when you raise your childs we need to teach good values for them; not only to say if not you need to do actions to create a better world.

Of course it´s a big problem, I think you only make and do your things because they never fight with (I lived these in Michoacan) but you can think this is ignore the problem, I say no because I have values and I need show them in my house, my job, in wherever place than you stay. If we have a good values we can finish with this things


Murders in Juárez reach new record

JUÁREZ, Chihuahua — A violent war between the Sinaloa and Juárez drug cartels have pushed Juárez's murder rate — already one of the highest in the world — to new records in 2009, the Chihuahua state attorney general's office reported. The border city, across from El Paso, has had 1,986 homicides through mid-October this year, up from 1,171 for the same period in 2008, the report said. There have been 195 murders this month alone, officials said


  1. The drugs cartel's are a big problem for all countries because they don´t respect anything. Fight with them only with laws, is impossible. It´s time to think in drugs legalization, is the only way to stop the criminal businesses.

  2. hi i think u r right camelo becuase we must help the goverment by stoping those how r realy trying to destroy the country like drugs dealers and those how selling weapons and all the others how trying to destroy our county

  3. Adolfo, I've thought a lot about your comment before, and I agree with it - if drugs were legalized, governments could regulate them, and the cartels would not be able to control an "underground" market. On the other hand, why wouldn't the criminals just find a new illegal business? If not drugs, why not prostitution or human slave trade? It is one answer, but there must be more.
