Thursday, November 12, 2009

News of Choice 5 - 12/Novt/09 - German fans mourn Enke 'suicide

German fans mourn Enke 'suicide

This article is about the died of one soccer´s player. His name was Enke. He was a goalkeeper in Hannover 96 before he was struck and killed by a train.
He was a good candidate for participate on World Cup 2010. The police don´t know what was the reason for his died, right now they only said he suicide.
I can think a lot of reason for why he lost his life, but only he knows why he wanted die.
Next, 3 years ago, he had a bad tragedy, he lost his child because her had problems with her hearth. Since that day he wasn´t the same, he was unstable, but he kept it under wraps.
Maybe he was murdered or suicide, I think for more problems than I have, I never suicide. We need to resolve these problems, this is a other point than why life is interesting.
What do you think?


  1. I agree to that. No matter who yor are, we all face problem. difference between loser and the winner is who quits or not.

  2. hi camilo i think it was good subject bbeacuse it showed us that life short and strange any thing could happen
