Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekly words 4

Rush Hour.- It means when all the people get out of their jobs and other things, and on streets have a lot of cars for create traffic. I was going to soccer practice at this time, and the driver said it is time to rush hour.

How do you like them apples? .- It means when you do something, and you laugh to other person.
I was playing soccer when my team did a goal, and the person said to other player this expression.

Child Please.- It is similar or same than the last expresion. Other player used when he did a other goal.

Breaking the seal.- It means when you go to the bathroom after you drink a beer or other think, but only at your first time. I was in a bar with other friends, and one guy used this expression.

Whipped or Whipt.- It means when your girlfriend call you all the time, she wants to know what do you do?, and you always stay with her. Chris told me than I am whipped because I want all the time stay with my girlfriend

Drop a Deuce.- It means when you go to the bathroom for do popo. I listened this expression on a restaurant, one guy said that, amd he stand up and next he go to the bathroom

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