Friday, November 20, 2009

News of Choice 7 - 20/Novt/09 - South African Runner Will Keep Gold Medal

South African Runner Will Keep Gold Medal

This Article is about the runner Caster Semenya, Semenya ron in World Championships and won the Gold Medal, but the problem is International Association of Athletics Federations doesn´t know what is Semenya gender? Right now, it makes tests to know this information, and the people in South Africa is very angry because it doesn´t respect Semenya´s privacy.

I don´t know why IAAF doesn´t want to say what Semanya is results about gender. I don´t know what it is a big problem only it needs to say results and what Semanya happen.

This comment (Andrea Byrnes (nurse607) wrote:) is interesting because she said why is defendind ths privacy and she put examples.
This comment (Spencer Smith (Es_Dawg) wrote) make a question about what happen with Semanya in the future, this is good for create more comments.

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