Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weekly Words 6

Smooth.- It means that your hair is very mild or you can manage your hair very easy. I saw this word because I need a new shampoo for my hair.

Silky.- It means that your hair is flossy or elegant. I saw this too on a shampoo.

Oats.- It is maybe a differents kind of seeds, It uses in cookies for a healty breakfast. I buy some cookies that has oats and honey.

Mobility Impairments.- That words use for a person who can not move very good their extremities or have physical problems. I saw this word in seats on a bus.

ADC.- (The Americans with Disabilities Act) It means people with physical problems. I saw this word in a bus's poster, it said that Cap Metro was commited to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADC).

Velvet.- It's one kind of material for to create clothes. I saw this kind of material in JCPenny.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Weekly Words 5

Texas Weather.- It's an expression, and it means when here in Texas the weather change very quickly. My homestay said that last week because the weather was hot and in a few minutes change to cold and with winter.

Hook'em horns.- This means that I catch with horns, I listened and watched all the time in Austin.

Kairos.- It means the right or opportune moment for do something. I heard this word when I stayed in a mass.

Kab, adapt a street.- It means Keep Austin Beautiful. I saw this word on a lot of signs on Guadalupe St.

I bit off more than i could chew.- It means that I have a lot of responsability than I have take or This responsability is very big for me. I listened this expression on Frank Sinatra song.

Cuisine.- It means a kind style of cooking. Kyoto has this kind of food ( Japanese Cuisine).

Friday, November 20, 2009

News of Choice 8 - 20/Nov/09 - FIFA turn down Ireland's replay request

FIFA turn down Ireland's replay request

This article is about one game ( French and Ireland) played last wednesday. This had a big problem because French made a goal with used a hand. Ireland sent a letter to FIFA for replay the game because it lost and don´t go to World Cup. Both presidents only say their opinions but they don´t want involve on this big problem.
I think is very pain for al the team and people from Ireland, but I think that they can not play the game again. Mr Sarkozy said "What will be done will be done", I think the same, the refere made a mistake on this game, but anyone an change this thing. FIFA can not replay the game becaue when other thing similar happen again the team that lost, it want replay the game.
Sorry Ireland, but for me you don´t go to World Cup, and MEXICO let´s go to World Cup
What do you think?

News of Choice 7 - 20/Novt/09 - South African Runner Will Keep Gold Medal

South African Runner Will Keep Gold Medal

This Article is about the runner Caster Semenya, Semenya ron in World Championships and won the Gold Medal, but the problem is International Association of Athletics Federations doesn´t know what is Semenya gender? Right now, it makes tests to know this information, and the people in South Africa is very angry because it doesn´t respect Semenya´s privacy.

I don´t know why IAAF doesn´t want to say what Semanya is results about gender. I don´t know what it is a big problem only it needs to say results and what Semanya happen.

This comment (Andrea Byrnes (nurse607) wrote:) is interesting because she said why is defendind ths privacy and she put examples.
This comment (Spencer Smith (Es_Dawg) wrote) make a question about what happen with Semanya in the future, this is good for create more comments.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekly words 4

Rush Hour.- It means when all the people get out of their jobs and other things, and on streets have a lot of cars for create traffic. I was going to soccer practice at this time, and the driver said it is time to rush hour.

How do you like them apples? .- It means when you do something, and you laugh to other person.
I was playing soccer when my team did a goal, and the person said to other player this expression.

Child Please.- It is similar or same than the last expresion. Other player used when he did a other goal.

Breaking the seal.- It means when you go to the bathroom after you drink a beer or other think, but only at your first time. I was in a bar with other friends, and one guy used this expression.

Whipped or Whipt.- It means when your girlfriend call you all the time, she wants to know what do you do?, and you always stay with her. Chris told me than I am whipped because I want all the time stay with my girlfriend

Drop a Deuce.- It means when you go to the bathroom for do popo. I listened this expression on a restaurant, one guy said that, amd he stand up and next he go to the bathroom

Thursday, November 12, 2009

News of Choice 6 - 12/Novt/09 - Cudicini badly injured in accident

Cudicini badly injured in accident

This story is about a goalkeeper than he had an accident in his motorcycle. He had fractured his wrists and injured his pelvis.
I think how life change very fast, in one moment you are ok, and the next second you have an accident. We need to take life more serious and think about what I happen if I do or make something. I don´t tell you don´t need to do anything because you will be on trouble, no! you need to be more consent about what are you doing? and if that thing isn´t a problem for you.

News of Choice 5 - 12/Novt/09 - German fans mourn Enke 'suicide

German fans mourn Enke 'suicide

This article is about the died of one soccer´s player. His name was Enke. He was a goalkeeper in Hannover 96 before he was struck and killed by a train.
He was a good candidate for participate on World Cup 2010. The police don´t know what was the reason for his died, right now they only said he suicide.
I can think a lot of reason for why he lost his life, but only he knows why he wanted die.
Next, 3 years ago, he had a bad tragedy, he lost his child because her had problems with her hearth. Since that day he wasn´t the same, he was unstable, but he kept it under wraps.
Maybe he was murdered or suicide, I think for more problems than I have, I never suicide. We need to resolve these problems, this is a other point than why life is interesting.
What do you think?